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Azam Nazir Tarar Contemptuous Act: Disparaging the Court.

Azam Nazir tarar

Contemptuous Act: Disparaging the Court – Azam Nazir Tarar

Federal Law Minister Azam Nazir Tarar has said that the court should be careful in many cases, in the age of modern and social media, nothing can be covered up, ignorant people are trying to make the institutions come face to face, and efforts are being made to do this. Contempt of court should be done

While holding a press conference with Malik Ahmad Khan in Lahore, and the discussion of audio leaks is very serious. It should not be addressed, the controversial decisions of the past have done a lot of damage, we don’t know but things come out, and the court should be careful in many cases. He said that in the age of modern and social media, nothing can be covered up, ignorant people are trying to bring the institutions to face to face, and they are trying to do something that will cause contempt of court.

He said that when political matters came to the courts, the country and the nation suffered. Political matters should not be taken to the court. Some people are trying to rekindle political matters. The past decisions have harmed the country, the Federal Law Minister said that many cases of the past are becoming clear from the audio leaks. Azam Nazir Tarar brought up the audio tape leak during the press conference, calling it a significant issue. He cautioned the public and the media not to focus on these leaks, but he made the argument that certain previously secret deliberations were now coming to light. These words imply that the information contained in the stolen audio may have the ability to damage the court’s reputation or reveal questionable past actions.

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