#Pakistan #PTI

Gandapur Acquitted and Released in Speech Case.

Gandapur Acquitted Ali amin

Gandapur Acquitted. Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leader Ali Amin Gandapur was acquitted in the anti-state speech case, the court ordered his release.

According to private TV Dunya News, Ali Amin Gandapur was produced before the District and Sessions Court of Shikarpur after completing his judicial remand. The court acquitted the anti-state speeches case after hearing the arguments of the lawyers from both sides.

The court issued orders to the police to release the PTI leader.

The acquittal of Gandapur has sparked both support and criticism from various quarters. Supporters argue that his freedom of speech should be respected. while critics express concerns over the potential implications of such a decision on national security.

It is worth noting that this case had garnered significant attention. given Gandapur’s political stature and the gravity of the charges against him. His release following the acquittal marks a crucial milestone in the legal proceedings. bringing the case to a close.

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