#Pakistani Government #politics

13-Party Coalition Government Ends

The President signed the summary of dissolution of the National Assembly, the Federal Cabinet was also dissolved

President signs summary to dissolve National Assembly, federal cabinet also dissolved

Government ends President Mamnoon Hussain has signed a summary for dissolution of the National Assembly. According to details, the coalition government of 13 parties has ended. President Arif Alvi has signed a summary sent by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif to dissolve the National Assembly. The federal cabinet has also been dissolved along with the National Assembly after the President signed the prime minister’s summary.

Government ends Earlier on Wednesday night, Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif formally signed the summary for the dissolution of the National Assembly. After the signing, Shahbaz Sharif sent a summary of the dissolution of the Assembly to President Arif Alvi, which was immediately approved by the President. President Arif Alvi approved the dissolution of the Assembly under Article 58-1 of the Constitution.

However, despite the dissolution of the National Assembly and the federal cabinet, Shahbaz Sharif will continue as prime minister till the election of the caretaker prime minister.

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Shehbaz Sharif and Opposition Leader Raja Riaz are expected to meet on Thursday to elect the caretaker prime minister. If the two leaders do not agree on the name of caretaker prime minister, the Election Commission will decide on the selection of the caretaker prime minister. The process of electing the caretaker prime minister is also likely to be completed in the next 48 hours. Earlier on Wednesday, Addressing the farewell session of the National Assembly, Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif said that sending any political opponent to jail for 16 months did not even bother.

The most difficult test of my life was these 16 months, I have never seen such a big test in 38 years of political journey. He said that the PTI era was a fascist era of oppression and abuse. If there is talk of sit-ins and long marches, who will invest? Shahbaz Sharif said that if Imran Khan has been punished today, then we are not happy about it, it is not a matter of distributing sweets and eating.

Government ends Earlier, addressing the farewell meeting of the federal cabinet, Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif said that as soon as the government took over, the four provinces had toiled day and night. 80 billion was distributed through BISP to the flood victims. He said that the National Assembly had trusted us on April 11, 2022.

He said that the government tried for 16 months to improve the difficult situation, due to the negligence of the previous government, Pakistan suffered on the domestic and foreign front. Talking about the events of May 9, Shahbaz Sharif said that there was a conspiracy against the army and its commander on May 9, if the conspiracy of May 9 had been successful, then the country would have been in a terrible situation.

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