#Elections #Supreme Court

PM Explores Supreme Court Elections in Lahore Consultation.

PM Explores shahbaz sharif

PM Explores Shehbaz Sharif consulted his close political associates and legal experts on the issue of the petition to hold the elections in the Supreme Court on the same day.

According to the private TV channel, party sources say that Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif is present at his residence Model Town in Lahore, the top leadership of Muslim League (N) and legal experts met with the PM Explores Supreme Court Elections in Lahore Consultation. Federal Ministers Khawaja Saad Rafique and Sardar Ayaz Sadiq. met the Prime Minister, Law Minister Azam Nazir Tarar also attended the meeting with the Prime Minister, Malik Ahmed, and Ahad Cheema are also among those who met Shahbaz Sharif.

Attorney General Mansoor Usman Awan also metPM Explores Shehbaz Sharif, and the current political and constitutional situation of the country was discussed in the meeting.Political friends and legal experts shared their perspectives, offering insights into the practical aspects, legal considerations, and potential challenges of implementing unified Supreme Court elections. The discussions revolved around the potential impact on the selection process, the promotion of fairness and impartiality, and the overall enhancement of public trust in the judiciary. As this development unfolds, stakeholders and citizens eagerly anticipate further updates on the government’s stance and the potential steps towards realizing unified Supreme Court elections. The Lahore consultation marks an essential milestone in the ongoing efforts to strengthen the judiciary and uphold the principles of transparency and accountability in the country’s legal framework.

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