#politics #PTI

PTI women leaders deny torture in jail

deny torture in jail

We were not abused in jail, it was abuse to keep us in jail. Sanam Javed deny torture in jail. What more will you humiliate women than by dragging them from their homes in the middle of the night? Alia Hamza If there is a problem with social accounts. It is not necessary to make a case of social media in this way to be a target of political revenge.’ Taiba Raja

The women leaders of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf deny torture in jail. And made it clear that there was no abuse against us. keeping us in jail was abuse. After being detained, he was produced in the Anti-Terrorism Court.
The Sarwar Road police station produced the female suspects associated with Tehreek-e-Insaf in the court after the completion of the identification parade yesterday. Among the female accused were Sanam Javed, Taiba Raja, Alia Hamza and seven others. Speaking to the media on this occasion, they were in jail. While answering the question regarding violence.

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