#Chief Justice #Journalist

Chief Justice Umar Atta Bandyal is sick, who should have sat in courtroom number one in his place but it was locked? The senior journalist made a big claim

Senior journalist Asad Ali Toor has claimed that the courtroom number one of Chief Justice Umar Atta Bandial has been locked while the most senior judges should have sat in this court after him, but the most senior judge after the Chief Justice is Justice Faiz.

According to the details, senior journalist Asad Ali Toor has claimed in his vlog that the courtroom number one of the Supreme Court is the court of Chief Justice Umar Atta Bandyal. A bench headed by Justice Athar Minullah and Justice Jamal Khan Mandukhel was supposed to hear the cases today, but the Supreme Court issued a press release saying that Chief Justice Umar Atta Bandyal is unwell. Since the bench of courtroom number one is not sitting, it has been revised, we pray that the Chief Justice is healthy, he will be seen sitting in the bench soon.

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