#Pakistani Government #Prime Minister

Constitutional Dispute: Prime Minister Challenges 3-Member Bench’s Decision

Constitutional Dispute

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has said that the government did not accept the decision of the 3-member bench, we are still of the opinion Constitutional Dispute that the decision is of four-three.

According to private TV News, PML-N President Shehbaz Sharif says that mediation is not the work of the Supreme Court, nor does the Constitution allow it. The function of the Supreme Court is only to give judgments according to the Constitution and law.

He said that the coalition government tried to hold the elections at the same time. October or November is the date for the election. The government did not accept the Constitutional Dispute of the 3-member bench, still we are of the opinion that the decision is of four-three. The situation is still challenging for the government, Tehreek-e-Insaf has not given any suggestions to solve the challenges.

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